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I am a Graduate Student in the EEB track of the Department of Biology at University of Virginia. I am primarily interested in how sexual selection shapes morphology, behaviour and diversity of species in nature. Most of my work in the past and present has utilized lizards as a model system to understand how correlated suites of traits evolve and are maintained in a population. I am currently working on my dissertation with Dr Robert Cox to understand the interaction between pre- and post- copulatory sexual selection in brown anole lizards and how it is modulated by ecological factors. I am doing this work by using long term mark recapture data combined with parentage analysis and statistical methods of variance partitioning. Learn More here


In my free time, you will find me listening to podcasts, watching documentaries, interviews, dancing, reading poetry, catching up with friends and family, or generally lurking on the internet. Sometime in the near future, I will be sharing some stories about the world I inhabit sometime in the future. Do look out for that here


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